

The whole range of accounting services
Accounting (also called "Outsourcing of accounting services") is the transfer of functions to a full-time accounting department, a professional accounting firm, i.e. professionals with experience and reputation in their professional activities.
For the developing economy of Uzbekistan, outsourcing of accounting services is not a very familiar concept, but in developed countries it is a fairly common field of activity.                                                            
Recovery of accounting
The restoration of accounting is an event, the purpose of which is to bring the accounting of an economic entity into an appropriate position in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.                                                
The need to restore accounting may arise due to the fact that registers or primary accounting documents are lost, as well as for other force majeure reasons.                                                
Preparation of financial, tax and statistical reports

Financial statements (accounting statements) - information about the financial position of an economic entity as of the reporting date, the financial result of its activities and cash flows for the reporting period, systematized in accordance with the requirements established by law.                                                                          Statistical reporting - reporting submitted, within a certain period ...                               

Accounting Policy Development

Accounting policy is a set of accounting methods - primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic activity.

At the moment, business entities need to have two types of accounting policies:                                         

Drawing up a feasibility study and a business plan

A feasibility study is the study of economic efficiency, analysis and calculation of economic indicators of the investment project being created. The development of a feasibility study of the project is necessary for making a management decision. When implementing a new project, a feasibility study is required.                            
A business plan is a rationale for the very existence of the entire business, its mission and goals ...                                       

Preparation and transformation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS

 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of international accounting standards that specify how specific types of transactions and other events should be reflected in financial statements. IFRS are published by the International Accounting Standards Board. IFRS, the procedure by which accountants must maintain accounting records and prepare financial ...                   

Registration, reorganization and liquidation of business entities

 Registration - state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in authorized state bodies;                                                              

Re-registration in case of reorganization and change of constituent documents - the need for state registration in authorized bodies of changes in constituent documents and in case of reorganization of a legal entity;                                                          

Liquidation of legal entities - termination of activity and existence ...                          

124D, Kichik Beshyogoch str. Yakkasaray dist. Tashkent city, Uzbekistan. (Reference point: Art institute).
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