When will the cameral tax audits?
A cameral tax audit is carried out on the basis of an analysis of your tax and financial statements,
as well as other documents and information about the activities of the company that the tax authorities
have. A cameral office on VAT refunds can be appointed in accordance with the Regulation on the Proce-
dure for Refunding the Value Added Tax (approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
14.08.2020 No. 489).
Cameral tax audits are carried out:
For example, in the first and second quarters of 2021, the company submitted a calculation for
accounting for the amount of VAT in the amount of 20 million soums and 25 million soums, respectively,
but in the third quarter it presented a calculation for 100 million soums. An employee of the tax
authority has a question about this information revealed in the course of a desk audit. To obtain an
explanation, he sends a letter to the company's management requesting data on the availability of
goods for which the amount of VAT was taken into account in this amount.
For reference:
Field tax audits and tax audits are carried out with the notification of the Commissioner under the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of
business entities through the Unified System of Electronic Registration of Audits. An exception is
the verification of individuals who conduct business without state registration. The procedure for
conducting tax audits is established in the Tax Code and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
dated 07.01.2021 No. 1 "On tax risk management, identifying taxpayers (tax agents) with tax risks,
as well as organizing and conducting tax audits."
What are the grounds for leaving the tax office for a check
The basis for conducting an on-site tax audit will be:
For example, in the third quarter, it presented a calculation for accounting for the amount of VAT,
significantly exceeding similar calculations in the first half of the year. An employee of the tax
authority had a question according to the information of the enterprise and he sent a letter to the
management of the enterprise with a request for data on the availability of goods for which the
amount of VAT was taken into account. After receiving a response letter, if the tax authorities are
not satisfied with the answer, the inspectorate appoints an on-site tax audit. The audit is carried
out on only one issue - to establish the correctness of the information provided by the company on
VAT accounting. At the same time, the presence of inventory items in the warehouse of the enterprise
is checked for the amount for which the VAT amount was credited.
When a tax audit cannot be avoided?
A tax audit is a verification of the correctness of the calculation and payment of taxes for a certain period. To
do this, the tax office will examine the financial and tax reporting for reliability and compliance with all the
norms of tax legislation, how tax liabilities are formed and reflected in accounting and accounting for tax
Tax audits are carried out for those taxpayers who:
For example, during office and field inspections at the enterprise, violations were revealed. But the company
continues to violate tax laws. In this case, wait for a visit from the tax office with a tax audit.
How not to get into a risk group: what are the criteria for being selected for a tax audit The process of assessing tax risks and segmentation of taxpayers takes place on the basis of the Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting tax audits (approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Minis- ters dated 07.01.2021 No. 1). All indicators are determined through the automated program "Identification, analysis and assessment of tax risk". If it is revealed that there is a likelihood of tax risk, a desk audit will be scheduled. For on-site tax audits, the reason will be the presence of the risk of committing a violation of the tax legislation established by the system. For the appointment of a tax audit, the basis will be the presence of a high tax risk.
Sources of information for analyzing tax risk are:
When analyzing tax risk based on these data, the following indicators are used:
The criteria for determining the level of tax risk are confidential information. However, there is an exception - all the criteria and indicators that are listed below also serve as an indicator of the occurrence of risk:
The level of tax risk is determined on the basis of criteria with the assignment of points from 1 to 100: from 81% to 100% - high risk; from 30% to 80% - medium risk; from 1% to 29% - low risk. Awards points for each criterion of the STC. The analysis is based on the segmentation of taxpayers by type of economic activity and the amount of income received for the tax period. The level of tax risk is assessed and classified according to the awarded points and potential risk through the program according to the formula: R = Sr / Sp × 100%, where R is the level of risk (%); Sr is the amount of tax risk points awarded to the taxpayer; Sp is the sum of points for potential tax risk that were used to deter- mine the level of risk. The tax risk level is determined once every 6 months. If your organization does not have a high level of tax risk, but has not paid tax debt for more than 30 calendar days, then the level of tax risk will be determined once a quarter.
Rustamjon Muminov - chief tax inspector of the Department for the provision of services to legal entities of the territorial State Tax Inspectorate for large taxpayers.
Source: Taxation and Accounting (Magazine)